Future Farmer Films: Young organic dairy farmer - Moritz Schäfer
von Juliane Haufe und Joris van der Kamp 06:14 Min Deutschland DE Future Farmers-Projekt, bei dem 6-Minuten-Clips von neuen/jungen Bäuerinnen und Bauern gedreht werden. Einer davon ist aus Deutschland (Moritz Schäfer).
Moritz Schäfer, 26, last year took over a conventional dairy farm which he now manages organically (in conversion) and where he now keeps 60 milk cows on 95 hectares of land. Moritz himself does not descend from a farmer’s family and could only with the help of his family, mainly his father, and friends realize his dream. Watch the film about this very enthusiastic and politically active dairy farmer who took the challenge and managed to take over a relatively large dairy farm in Germany.