Conference ETO Consortium

Extraterritorial obligations in the post Vienna+20 action plan The ETO Consortium is a network of some 80 human rights related CSOs and academics. ETOs is short for extraterritorial obligations, the human rights obligations of states towards persons outside their territories. These obligations have so far been underused, even though they are crucial for addressing the challenges of globalization. The conference will introduce the ETO Consortium and its work. A panel of Consortium organisations will reflect the Vienna+20 CSO Declaration and action plan in the light of ETOs.

26 June 2013, 5:30-7:30 pm
Haus der Europäischen Union, Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna


  • Brid Brennan (TNI, Transnational Institute)
  • Nicholas Lusiani (CESR, Center for Economic and Social Rights)
  • Sandra Ratjen (ICJ, International Commission of Jurists)
  • Ana María Suárez Franco and
  • Flavio Valente (both FIAN, Food First Information and Action Network)
  • Bret Thiele (GI-ESCR, Global Initiative – Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)

Chair: Thorsten Göbel (Brot für die Welt)

Please register:

Languages: English/Spanish, Translation English/Spanish



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